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Jonathan Dionne

Automate the import of Openshift Secrets to Jenkins

/ 2 min read

I would like to share my experience on a challenge that I encountered when I had to mount a Jenkins instance inside Openshift via minishift. To allow Jenkins to communicate with GitHub, for example.

First attempt


While doing some research on the internet, I came across the idea of ​​using environment variables to pass my Openshift Secrets towards my Jenkins instance.


The idea did not appeal to me since it would be enough for someone who was ill-intentioned to try to print all the environment variables in the console in order to read my various passwords… I thought that even there, it would be necessary that the person have access to modify the configuration of my pods… Considering the security around our Openshift configuration, I opted for this solution.


I quickly discovered on the beautiful Jenkins system page, the complete list of environment variable values …

The second attempt is the good one


While doing some more research, I discovered some extensions allowing the synchronization between the secrets and the “credentials” of Jenkins. The idea seems excellent, but unfortunately because of security constraints out of my control I can’t and I’m not able, allowed do the installation of said extensions.


Because we can’t do the installation of extensions inside Jenkins, I decided to go with a nice little script that will be launched at the start of Jenkins via the folder init.groovy.d.

The script we talked about

So I came to the creation of a script that will search through the Openshift console to retrieve all “secret” objects that have been labeled with jenkins=true. The script will create a new credential entry in Jenkins each time it encounters a “secret” with that label. In addition, I took the opportunity to manage the description of my new “credentials” directly at the “secret” by adding this label jenkins-description=A-Simple-Description.

How it work

To use this script you will need to add the following two labels on your secrets: jenkins=true and jenkins-description=A-Simple-Description. To allow the script to determine the type of Credentials to create in Jenkins, you will need to name your fields contained in your secrets, this way:

Credential Jenkins of type “Username and Password

Secret TypeNamed

Credential Jenkins type “SecretText

Secret TypeNamed


This solution is not flawless of course, but it offers a simple, effective and discreet way to import your Openshift Secrets into Jenkins. There is room for improvement and I will be happy to add those from your feedbacks and from my next discoveries!